The final "semester" of the basic track of the Diaconal Vocations Program is devoted exclusively to the liturgical worship of the Church.  Candidates begin with a review of the sacraments and their place in Church life.  We review the history of liturgy and liturgical theology.  While not exhaustive, this course also introduces candidates to the Typikon and other service books of the Orthodox Church and how they are used.  As deacons are expected to be expert in the divine worship, they are expected to master the roles of reader (including serving in the altar as an assistant), the role of subdeacons at the hierarchical liturgy, and of course the deacon.  They should also have a basic familiarity with the way priests and bishops serve.

Miscellaneous resources related to the formation and training of church readers.

Course materials on Church History offered to students of the Orthodox Church in America's Diaconal Vocations Program by Fr. John Erickson.

The first semester is intended to introduce the candidate to important theological themes in holy scripture.  There are fourteen weeks of study devoted to surveying both Old and New Testaments, focusing on specific biblical themes.

With a thorough review of major biblical themes and important events in ecclesiastical history, discussion turns to broad doctrinal themes.